Saturday, March 11, 2023

Anger: Techniques to manage anger

  1. Practice mindfulness or meditation
  2. Count to 10 (or more) before reacting
  3. Exercise regularly
  4. Practice relaxation techniques such as yoga or progressive muscle relaxation
  5. Write down your feelings and thoughts
  6. Identify and challenge your negative thoughts
  7. Learn assertiveness skills
  8. Use humor to diffuse tense situations
  9. Take a time-out or break
  10. Practice forgiveness
  11. Use positive self-talk
  12. Use visualization techniques
  13. Engage in a hobby or activity that you enjoy
  14. Identify triggers for your anger
  15. Create an anger management plan
  16. Practice empathy towards others
  17. Seek social support
  18. Seek professional help if necessary
  19. Avoid alcohol and drugs
  20. Use humor to diffuse tense situations
  21. Practice forgiveness
  22. Use positive self-talk
  23. Use visualization techniques
  24. Engage in a hobby or activity that you enjoy
  25. Identify triggers for your anger
  26. Create an anger management plan
  27. Practice empathy towards others
  28. Seek social support
  29. Seek professional help if necessary

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